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Welcome to Fun facts with Lifehacks

Hey everyone! I am Prachi. I am here to share something new, something creative, something motivating, or the experiences which boost your excitement. So without taking care of grammatical mistakes, I am going to write these blogs in simple English ( maybe with the wrong grammar, so don't take it seriously ).

As you know ( or you don't) this is my first blog. I am going to share my first blogging experience with you. At first, when I thought to write a blog, I was too scared. But when I started working to create my website, then I got much confidence that I write better. and now I can share/write anything with confidence.

I am so happy because I learned something new in my free time. Any skill or anything which you learn, or the knowledge you gain in your life will come into use in the future.

How do you spend your free time? Let me know in the comments.

"We will never know how much we do better

until we didn't try it."



Nice blog 👍👍

Prachi Dashrath
Prachi Dashrath
May 23, 2022
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