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The Concept of God !


Hey, Myself Prachi. Welcome to my new blog series. This series is all about thinking, questioning, and increasing our understanding level. Are you ready to think out of the box? Are you ready to question every thought, concept, law, and many more...

Let's enjoy this journey. So without wasting time let's discuss one of the most popular topic which is ' The concept of God'.

I know you will say, "These are illogical things and God can't be real." But, but, but I didn't say that God exists or not. And maybe I will be not able to give 1 satisfying answer, But I will tell you how the different concepts come up with different answers. The most important thing is I am going to include some scientific concepts ( ex. Particle physics) in it, so it will be interesting for freshers and the young generation and also going to include some spiritual concepts ( ex. concepts in Vedas ).

I am sure you will love it.

Why there is a Big Contradiction in the Concept of God?

There are many reasons for this contradiction. The basic problem is that question is raised about God's existence. Many peoples believe in God while some don't believe in God.

The second thing is that there are many religions or types of people who believe in different types of God or believe in different concepts.

The third thing is that some of them believe in all types of God while some only believe in one God.

And the last one is the type of people who follow one person blindly without thinking and only considering that person as their God. These types of peoples and the peoples who only believes in one God mostly create problems, Because of their thinking process.

The person who only believes in one God, attached his/her ego to that concept. No one is ready to listen/understand the actual thing.

Sometimes, I had also seen that some peoples follow one book as their God. Just like normal peoples follow God and its rituals.

I am not saying that these all peoples are wrong, But I am just trying to say that we should think about what we are doing and especially why we are doing this? For this, we need to clarify the concept of God in our minds. If you are thinking about that God who has 4 hands, 4 mouths, the God with many weapons and materials then that is not what I am going to tell you about. This is an imaginary God. We created it by the future picture that how we want to be in the future. Even the stories have scientific proof, but they prove the existence of persons, not Gods. Do you know what I mean? What is the real God? The answer will vary for everyone.

What is God?

I think that God is a known or unknown source of energy. God gives us that potential/strength or indirectly helps us to do work. Everything which follows this concept is God for me. According to this, I connected modern science and spiritual concepts in a very weird and different way.

What does Modern science say?

One week ago, I was reading a book that had the longest title I ever noticed. So the title of the book was " Who cares about the particle physics making sense of the Higgs Boson ." Particle physics is a very interesting subject and it is one of the my favorite subjects.

There is a particle at the subatomic level called Higgs Boson. This particle gives energy to the fundamental particles i.e. electron, proton, and neutron in the form of mass. So basically it is the source of energy. Just like Light(Sun), wind and Heat(Sun) are the sources to get energy and we call them God, The scientists named this particle as 'God Particle.' I know research is not completed and it will be continued, but for now, Higgs Boson is the main source of energy and this is scientifically proven.

String theories and all remaining concepts are partially proven and not declared hence Higgs Boson is important at the present moment.

If we say that God particle is present everywhere then obviously it is also present inside us. And hence God-created universe. ( I am saying God because it is the source of energy that interacts with us at the subatomic level )

What does spirituality say?

In Hinduism, the core of Vedas said that everything is made up of 5 basic elements (Pancha mahabhotas) i.e. earth, water, fire(Heat & Light), air, and ether (Cosmic). These 5 things are either sources of energy or either interact with energy. Hence Vedas says that everything is connected, and no one's basic structure is different from another one. The Vedas proclaim: "All this has not sprung without a root cause, The power that is in the root or seed is the same as the power that pervades the entire universe."

Vedas say that God does not have any form and exists as light, but in Hinduism, people idol worships their inherited personal god. It indicates all the gods with form and properties are imaginations based on the false soul. The ideas of conceptual gods are a reality based on a false soul within the false experience. There is only God beyond form and concepts, who cannot be worshiped as such, but only the concepts of God can be worshiped.

Why God is invisible?

For this question, many people will give answers as an example of oxygen. But it can be scientifically proven that it exists. Aside from this, I will say that the baby in the mother's womb and the mother both are invisible to each other. But they both are present at the same time at the same place in the same universe. But the mother can see, and experience the baby with modern medical science, but the baby can't because there are no resources inside the womb. So we can't say there is no science, it is present but the ability of a baby is low. It increases with time. After some time the baby can experience the mother, the baby can hear, sense, and can see the world and the mother after coming out from the womb. I think, maybe the same thing happens to us. ( again I am not sure). As we grow up we start to understand the world. After our death, we will enter the new world, and there maybe we will be able to understand the concept of God.

Yes, I am an atheist, but only for you, not for me.

But just because I do not believe in your God that does not mean that I do not believe in anything. I have my special God which is that special energy, which can be proven by science. Have you ever seen anyone who doesn't believe in God can't live life as a normal person? So the question is that why should we choose only one God? The reason is for the required security and stability in life. You will understand it later. So the energy which can be called God is the Fact and others are just concepts.

You will be never satisfied with the answers given by anyone. The choice is yours, you'll believe /not, that energy will reach us, cause its value is constant in the universe. (conservation of energy)

Just the thing I wanted to tell you is that do not follow any concept/thought/person blindly. So use your mind and question yourself. Your thought created from your mind may be wrong but it will never misuse you. But other people/ thoughts that came from their mind, can try to misuse you in the name of religion or for the religion for their profit.

Question to yourself. Maybe you will be not able to come up with one answer, but that's not important. The most important thing is you are trying to break that pattern of thoughts and trying to explore the world.

"Exploration leads to pleasure, pleasure leads to happiness, happiness leads to positive energy, where there is a presence of positive energy, God dwells there!"


1 comentário

24 de jul. de 2022

Great one! Intense research is reflected. Keep blogging:)

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